Tag Archives: .Net Core

IoT : How to build .NET Core to build applications for IoT?

Deva blogs

Do you know that .NET core to build applications for IoT?

  • .NET Core can be used to build applications for IoT devices and scenarios.

  • IoT applications typically interact with sensors, displays and input devices that require the use of GPIO pins, serial ports or similar hardware. The Raspberry Pi is commonly used for IoT applications.

You need to use at least .NET Core 2.1. .NET Core 3.0 is required for ARM64 devices. Many of these samples use the Raspberry Pi, however, .NET Core can be used for other devices. A Raspberry Pi Starter Pack contains enough electronics to get started on many projects.

.NET Core is supported on Raspberry Pi 2 and 3. Raspberry Pi 3 B+ is recommended, based on the faster CPU. .NET Core is not supported on Raspberry Pi Zero or any of the Raspberry Pi model A devices. .NET Core does is not supported on ARMv6 chips, only ARMv7 and ARMv8. It is not supported on Arduino.

The following samples demonstrate various scenarios:

These samples use the System.Device.Gpio library. It will be supported on Linux and Windows IoT Core. The library is currently in early preview, based on source in dotnet/iot. There are many libraries that are important beyond GPIO, I2C and related fundamental protocols.

Build .NET Core to build application for IoT

Deva blogs

Do you know that .NET core to build applications for IoT?

  • .NET Core can be used to build applications for IoT devices and scenarios.

  • IoT applications typically interact with sensors, displays and input devices that require the use of GPIO pins, serial ports or similar hardware. The Raspberry Pi is commonly used for IoT applications.

You need to use at least .NET Core 2.1. .NET Core 3.0 is required for ARM64 devices. Many of these samples use the Raspberry Pi, however, .NET Core can be used for other devices. A Raspberry Pi Starter Pack contains enough electronics to get started on many projects.

.NET Core is supported on Raspberry Pi 2 and 3. Raspberry Pi 3 B+ is recommended, based on the faster CPU. .NET Core is not supported on Raspberry Pi Zero or any of the Raspberry Pi model A devices. .NET Core does is not supported on ARMv6 chips, only ARMv7 and ARMv8. It is not supported on Arduino.

The following samples demonstrate various scenarios:

These samples use the System.Device.Gpio library. It will be supported on Linux and Windows IoT Core. The library is currently in early preview, based on source in dotnet/iot. There are many libraries that are important beyond GPIO, I2C and related fundamental protocols.

Best practices – TechTalk session on how to build Great Libraries using .NET Standard for .Net developers

– Are you a .Net developer?
– Who wants to create great .NET class libraries?
– Confused about .NET Standard, .NET Core, and .NET Framework?

Then I would suggest you to watch this talk at .NetConf to learn how you can easily support multiple platforms with .NET Standard and no compromises, thanks to via multi-targeting. This also cover the other aspects, such as versioning, strong naming, and binding redirects.


Happy programming Smile

Microsoft .NET Conference – Virtual developer event

Microsoft .NET Conf is a free, 3 day virtual developer event co-organized by the .NET community and Microsoft. It just finished last week, September 12 – 14, 2018. Learn more at www.dotnetconf.net

Over the course of the three days we had a wide selection of live sessions that feature speakers from the community and .NET product teams. These are the experts in their field and it is a chance to learn, ask questions live, and get inspired for your next software project.

By attending this session, you will learn to build for web, mobile, desktop, games, services, libraries and more for a variety of platforms and devices all with .NET. We have sessions for everyone, no matter if you are just beginning or are a seasoned engineer. We’ll have presentations on .NET Core and ASP.NET Core, C#, F#, Roslyn, Visual Studio, Xamarin, and much more. So you can click the below link to watch the sessions on demand.

Happy coding!!