Tag Archives: Microsoft Connect

Day # 2 – Microsoft Connect(); //2015 – Developer conference

Today is the day # 2 of . Today we will watch more on Here is the schedule builder using which you can see more info about the event schedule/session info/speakers info etc @ https://channel9.msdn.com/#programGuide

Kindly make use of it…

Invitation for Microsoft Connect(); // 2015 – Developer Conference

Microsoft is a developer company, so there’s nothing we love more than connecting with developers to share our latest tools, technologies and plans for the future. I therefore invite you to set your calendar for November 18-19 for Connect (); // 2015 – when Microsoft hosts its premier fall developer event, streamed live and for free, from New York City to developers around the world.

Microsoft Connect(); - Deva blogs

Keynotes and technical sessions will feature news, demos and insights that illustrate how developers are working with Microsoft to capitalize on their evolving roles with powerful and flexible tools that embrace today’s open environments to target Android, iOS, Linux, Windows and more. This year’s event will demonstrate the tremendous progress we’ve made on the journey toward a new Microsoft for developers that began last year with the announcements of a cross-platform .NET for Linux and OSX available as open source and the new Visual Studio Community edition for targeting nearly every major device and OS, available for free.

Connect(); will feature a marquee lineup of speakers joining to talk code, leading the shift toward mobile first, cloud first computing scenarios.

Join and make use of it. It’s live on Air now….

SQL Server: Let us know what you think about Denali?

Haven’t you tried the new SQL Server cloud-ready information platform Microsoft SQL Server Code Name “Denali” Evaluation edition is available  for download & evaluate?

If you have tried earlier then, you can share your valuable feedback about the new Business Intelligence (BI) features, creating tabular models on an Analysis Services server etc? Also let us know, what additional features would you like to suggest?  If you found any new software bugs, you can upload the same and provide your valuable feedback to us, using the following @ http://connect.microsoft.com/SQLServer/Feedback (you can add new feedback or comment on existing issues!!)


Feedback: Go Live, VS 2010 SP1, .Net Framework 4 KB2162169 Beta

We are pleased to declare that Visual Studio (VS) 2010 Service Pack 1 Beta and the .NET Framework 4 KB2162169 Beta will be supported as a “go live” release. This means that this software has met high standards of quality for a pre-release, and we are licensing it for developing and deploying production applications.

VS2010 SP1 Beta and the .NET Framework 4 KB2162169 Beta are licensed for use through June 30, 2011 at which point you’ll need to upgrade to the final release to continue using the product.

You can download VS 2010 SP1 Beta from http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=11ea69cb-cf12-4842-a3d7-b32a1e5642e2&displaylang=en. Also you can download .Net Framework 4 update from http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=6e3b7759-3df2-4755-8208-44955eee4d4c&displaylang=en.

We hope that you will consider using this beta for “go live” production purposes. As you do, we want to hear from you at our Connect Site if you find any bugs. In order to decide whether or not using this release in a “go live” scenario is right for you, you should carefully understand the terms and limitations of the “go live” license. Start by reading the license terms (during install or on disk afterward), which include the official “go live” licensing terms.

You can refer the blog post states the guidelines which may also help you understand the ways in which we are committed to helping you have a great experience with this release, including the following option: Our Support team is staffed to help you if you encounter problems with this release. If you plan to use it for “go live” please send email to vsgolive@microsoft.com so that we can register you for beta level support.

Hope this helps.

Hotfix: Failure Sending mail error with System.Net.Mail (.Net Framework 4.0) while sending large attachment

Recently one of my customer ran into an issue with his application used to send email messages using System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient (SNM) API. He used Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4.0. It’s a pretty simple code,

//Sample C# code snippet using System.Net.Mail API
SmtpClient MyClient = new SmtpClient("mail_server");
MyClient.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("User", "Password", "Domain");
MailMessage MyMsg = new MailMessage("fromuser", "touser", "Testing Attachment", "Testing");
Attachment MyAttachment = new Attachment(@"attachmentfile");
MyMsg .Attachments.Add(MyAttachment );
MyClient.Send(MyMsg );

Using the above code, whenever he adds the attachment size is larger than 3 MB and tries to send the message. It fails with the following a exception System.Net.Mail.SmtpException and error message “Failure sending mail”. Also during troubleshooting i noticed that i generates a inner exception System.IndexOutOfRangeException with the error message “Index was outside the bounds of array”. In the application he also failed to specify the TransferEncoding property of the attachment.

In this customer scenario, recommended him to try with TransferEncoding property with QuotedPrintable worked for him. We tried it like,
MyAttachment.TransferEncoding = System.Net.Mime.TransferEncoding.QuotedPrintable;

You can find the following support knowledgebase article which talks about the issue and provides resolution to overcome the issue. 

Also there is a hotfix available to overcome this issue. Please make sure that you must have .NET Framework 4.0 installed to apply this hotfix. To download this hotfix, you can visit following Microsoft website: https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/Downloads/DownloadDetails.aspx?DownloadID=30226.