Tag Archives: extensions

Join monthly Microsoft Graph Community Call @ May 1, 2018

Its time for #MicrosoftGraph monthly community call, May 1 at 8AM PST. Join us to learn about Security APIs, Extension updates and more.

Invite @ https://aka.ms/microsoftgraphcall …

Video: Every Girl Can Code with Microsoft Small Basic

Leveraging Microsoft Small Basic to teach future generations of women. Here is a video which tells how Microsoft Small Basic helps them to achieve more Smile So please leverage Microsoft Small Basic to teach future generations of women, young girls. They can learn via Visual Programming, create programs, Games and improve their knowledge. Learn the programming concepts starting with the fundamentals and move your way up. Small Basic is based on .NET and what you learn here could be easily applied to other .NET programming languages like Visual Basic. And when you do graduate to Visual Basic, you can bring your existing programs with you using a built-in conversion utility.

    Just to update you that Microsoft Small Basic puts the “fun” back into computer programming. Few of the interesting stuff I want to mention were,

    – With a friendly development environment that is very easy to master, it eases both kids and adults into the world of programming.
    – Small Basic combines a friendly environment with a very simple language and a rich and engaging set of libraries to make your programs and games pop.
    – In a matter of few lines of code, you will be well on your way to creating your very own game.
    – With a new and revolutionary IntelliSense®, Small Basic makes writing code a breeze.
    – Now you can share your programs with your friends; let them import your published programs and run them on their computer.


    For more information, refer the following:

    Site: http://www.smallbasic.com/
    Download: http://www.microsoft.com/en-US/download/details.aspx?id=46392
    Blog: http://blogs.msdn.com/smallbasic/ 
    Curriculum: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/16299.small-basic-curriculum.aspx
    Documentation: http://www.smallbasic.com/doc.aspx
    e-Books: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/16386.small-basic-e-books.aspx
    Program Gallery: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/smallbasic/archive/2013/02/17/small-basic-program-gallery-listed-by-category.aspx
    Extensions: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/smallbasic/archive/2012/10/12/small-basic-extensions-gallery.aspx

    Hope this helps.

    Looking for Visual Studio 2015 SDK download… wait, read this first?

    As you know now Visual Studio 2015 is RTM-ed and you have started to use it for building applications. Recently I came across a query from a developer, from where they can download Visual Studio 2015 SDK – as they used it to create tool windows, menu commands, editor extensions, isolated shell projects, and other extensions for Visual Studio. Unlike the earlier versions, the Visual Studio 2015 Software Development Kit (SDK) is no longer offered as a separate download. Instead, Visual Studio Extensibility Tools (SDK and templates) are included as an optional feature in Visual Studio setup. For more information you can refer, https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb166441(v=vs.140).aspx

    Exchange Server Protocol docs

    You can find the Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 SP1 RTM Protocol technical documentation set provides detailed technical specifications for Microsoft protocols and extensions to industry-standards or other published protocols that are implemented and used in Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 SP1 RTM. This allows the user to interoperate or communicate natively with Microsoft Office client and other server products. You can download the documentation, which is designed to describe each protocol in detail as it is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server. Each protocol specification documents the technical requirements, limitations, dependencies, and Microsoft-specific protocol behavior. The documentation set includes a set of companion overview and reference documents that supplement the technical specifications with conceptual background, overviews of inter-protocol relationships and interactions, and technical reference information

    Note: The protocol specifications are available in the Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) for that you can use the Adobe Reader 8.0 or later @ http://www.adobe.com.